Podcast Episodes

Global Rescue’s Bill McIntyre describes the firm’s services in Episode 285

Today I will be speaking with a representative of a company that specializes in rescuing people from bad situations around the world.

Bill McIntyre is the director of communications for Global Rescue, a company headquartered in Lebanon, N.H. The 20-year-old firm will rescue people from pretty much anywhere in the world.

Their skilled medical teams will pick people up from the point of injury or illness, and get them wherever they need to go for treatment. Then, once the patient is stabilized, the firm arranges for him or her to be transported to the hospital of their choice.

For example, if an RVer from Maine had an accident while hiking in the mountains of California, he or she would only have to call one number to get help. Global Rescue would work with local emergency response teams to send help to the location, or dispatch a helicopter to get the patient off the mountain.

Then, once the injury is stable and the patient needs to recuperate or requires additional surgery, Global Rescue will arrange to get the patient back to their hometown hospital or rehabilitation center.

In addition to medical transportation, Global Rescue also has teams that can extract people from dangerous situations, like forest fires, earthquakes and civil unrest. The firm has 3,300 medical and security assets on standby around the world to assist more than a million members.

A lot of RVers don’t usually take time to plan for a contingency that may cut their trip short or end it entirely.

For example, what happens when the Workamper who typically drives from place-to-place breaks a leg? What happens to the RV if a couple gets sick and can’t get their vehicles home?

All those are good reasons to belong to a membership organization like Global Rescue.

The company also offers a telemedicine service so members can call and get advice about problems they encounter, even in remote areas, as long as they have access to a cell phone or satellite phone.

Bill mentioned brushing up against a poisonous plant, or getting stung or bitten by a creature they don’t recognize. Calling Global Rescue connects members with people who can either direct help to them in emergencies, suggest over-the-counter treatments, if necessary, or offer reassurance that the situation is not dangerous.

He explained the difference between a membership organization, like Global Rescue, and insurance products. Bill said travel insurance will take care of your luggage. Automobile or RV insurance will take care of the vehicle and its contents. But, Global Rescue will take care of your body.

Services are available around the world. So, if a family of full-time RVers opts to take a cruise, and a child gets injured on an excursion, Global Rescue can ensure the child and rest of the family are safely evacuated back to the United States.

There are a variety of membership options available, and they are all outlined on the company’s website at www.globalrescue.com. There are plans for individuals, couples and families. Service is available year-round or for shorter travel schedules. Check out Global Rescue today to give yourself some peace-of-mind when traveling wherever you want to go.

That’s all for this week’s show.  If you would like to share your Workamping experiences on an upcoming episode of The Workamper Show, I invite you to schedule an interview with me at workampershow.com.

We’d love to hear about your Workamping experiences, how you got started RVing, and what you love and dislike about the RVing lifestyle. Help others explore all the different ways to live this great lifestyle by sharing your story.

If you are an employer of Workampers, we invite you to be on the podcast too! Share all of the details of your Workamping jobs in a future episode. It only costs a little bit of your time.

Schedule an interview with me at workampershow.com  You’ll find the schedule buttons on the home page. Thanks for listening and have a safe and memorable Independence Day holiday.

Greg Gerber

Greg Gerber is a former journalist who covered the recreation vehicle industry since 2009. He started podcasting in 2014 and enjoys interviewing people about ways to live, work and play in their RVs.

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